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JiveConnect - Integrations

Google Contacts

Boost your customer communication with the integration of Google Contacts and JiveConnect. By combining Google Contacts and JiveConnect you simplify the addition and search of contacts directly from your Google account, providing a seamless communication experience. Automatic screen pop-ups give your team real-time caller details, paving the way for personalized interactions and faster issue resolution.

Address Book Search

Instantly find the customer information you need. This feature scans your extensive customer records, letting your team quickly and confidently engage in conversations without fumbling through files.

Auto Screen Pop

Now, imagine when a customer calls, their profile automatically pops up on your screen, thanks to the "Auto Screen Pop." It’s like having caller ID on steroids — you’re instantly ready to provide personalized service.

Manual Screen Pop

Instead of having the customer’s profile automatically pop up every time they call, you can control when this info appears with the "Manual Screen Pop" feature. With a simple click of a button you can pop up the customer’s contact screen.

Integration with Notes

Every call can be followed by detailed notes, directly linked to the relevant customer profile. It's like sticking a Post-It to each call, ensuring important details are always just a click away.

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